Juan Pablo Guirigay

Since Juan Pablo was a little boy, he was always curious about sounds. Sounds everywhere! He loved discovering where they came from and since there were always beautiful sounds at home, Juan Pablo's family told him these sounds were called music. His family encouraged this curiosity by sending him to the Coro de Niños de la Universidad de los Andes and also by buying recordings of the instruments in the orchestra. There Juan Pablo discovered the sounds of the piano and began studies at 13 years old. When he was old enough to decide what to do in life, he decided that music would be the way to be happy and make people happy.
Thus Juan Pablo made music his life, by beginning at the University, first studying piano, then realizing that having all those years singing as well, would help him be a better musician, so now he’s about to graduate as a Singer. During his university studies he attended a festival of voices in Cuba, The America Cantat, where he met someone special who told him about a beautiful project, The World Youth Choir. He was chosen to be part of this project in 2009, met amazing people, great repertoire and voices… new sounds everywhere that changed his life and made him realize that music can bring change into people lives! And the best part of it, was that he was not alone in sharing this view. He met precious friends with common goals, tied with the bonds of friendship and music, and now he’s part of this great project called: Time Ensemble.