
Today is a very special day: Time Ensemble celebrates 2nd birthday! We are still babies, but during that time we had 4 sessions in 6 different countries, gave around 20 concerts and 9 workshops, made a lot of friends and future plans.

So we've been sitting on some pretty exciting news for the past few months.

Time Ensemble sending greetings from different parts of the world!

Here is a surprise video of Time Ensemble singers speaking about our upcoming tour to Colombia and the America Cantat. Enjoy!


We wish you all the best for the upcoming year and hope that your 2013 will be as exciting as ours will be!


Time Ensemble would like to wish you happy holidays, filled with great music and enough time with your loved ones.

Time Ensemble is proud to present our brand new logo –

Design by Olar Krjukov & Luite Snijder


We are very happy to announce that our next tour will also take us to Venezuela, before heading to the America Cantat festival in Bogota! Please stay tuned for a more detailed tour schedule.